Included in one pack (7 labels per pack):
1x Mon ⏰ Side 1: MON, Side 2: Alarm Clock Illustration
Colours | Mid Green Background, Cream and Watermelon
1x Tues 🥦 Side 1: TUES, Side 2: Broccoli
Colours | Coral Background, Cream and Mid Green
1x Wed 🙂 Side 1: WED, Side 2: Happy Face
Colours | Mid Purple, Cream and Yellow
1x Thurs ✏️ Side 1: THURS, Side 2: Pencil
Colours: Light Blue, Cream and Orange
1x Fri ✈ Side 1: FRI, Side 2: Origami Plane
Colours: Dark Blue, Cream and Grey
1x Sat 🍦 Side 1: SAT, Side 2: Ice Cream
Colours: Orange, Cream and Pinks
1x Sun 🍉 Side 1: SUN, Side 2: Watermelon
Colours: Turquoise, Cream and Watermelon
21mm x 18mm (including seam allowance).
Label Type:
Side Seam
How to attach:
This side seam label is ideally sewn into the garment (either inside or displayed visibly) by inserting into a seam allowance or facing.
Watch our How To: Add Labels video HERE.
Made in China.
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